two parameters/one final graph
Proposition 14
Proposition 15
Proof 15 is a lower bound of the size of the largest connected component
since the largest strongly connected component is for sure included within
a connected component.
Proposition 16
Proposition 17
Proposition 18
Proposition 19
Proof 19 Β
arcs are needed to connect
vertices that belong to a given connected component containing at least two vertices.
And one arc is required for a connected component containing a single vertex.
Similarly, when the graph is symmetric,
arcs are needed to connect
vertices that belong to a given connected component containing at least two vertices.
Finally, when the graph is reflexive, symmetric and transitive,
arcs are needed to connect vertices
that belong to a given connected component.
When the initial graph corresponds to a path, the minimum number of arcs
of a connected component involving vertices is equal to .
Proposition 20
Proposition 21
Proof 21 Since we do not have any isolated vertex a sink is connected to at least one other vertex.
Therefore, if the graph has a sink, there exists at least one connected component with at
least two vertices.
Proposition 22
Proposition 23
Proof 23 Since we do not have any isolated vertex a source is connected to at least one other vertex.
Therefore, if the graph has a source, there exists at least one connected component with at
least two vertices.
Proposition 24
Proposition 25
Proposition 26
Proposition 27
Proposition 28
Proposition 29
Proof 29 (32)
In a strongly connected component at least one arc has to leave each vertex.
Since we have at least one strongly connected component of vertices
this leads to the previous inequality.
Proposition 30
Proposition 31
Proof 31 By definition of .
Proposition 32
Proposition 33
Proof 33 By construction is an upper bound of the number of
vertices of the smallest strongly connected component.
Proposition 34
Proposition 35
Proof 35 Similar to PropositionΒ 19.
Proposition 36
Proof 36 By definition of .
Proposition 37
Proposition 38
Proposition 39
Proof 39 On the one hand, if , we have that .
On the other hand, if , we have that and that
, which by isolating
and by grouping the two inequalities leads to
The result follows.
Proposition 40
Proposition 41
Proof 41 Similar to PropositionΒ 29.
Proposition 42
Proposition 43
Proposition 44
Proposition 45
Proof 45 Each connected component contains at least one arc (since, by hypothesis, each vertex
has at least one arc).
Proposition 46
Proposition 47
Proof 47 57 (respectivelyΒ 58)
holds since each strongly connected component contains at least one
(respectively two) arc(s).
Proposition 48
Proof 48 Since isolated vertices are not allowed, each sink has a distinct ingoing arc.
Proposition 49
Proof 49 Since isolated vertices are not allowed, each source has a distinct outgoing arc.
Proposition 50
Proposition 51
Proof 51 62 holds since each vertex of a digraph
can have at most successors.
The next items correspond to the maximum number of arcs that can be achieved according to a
specific arc generator.
Note that, when the equality is reached in 62,
the corresponding extreme graph is in fact the graph initially generated.
The same observation holds for inequalities
63 to 71.
As a consequence all -arcs have to be turned into -arcs.
Proposition 52
Proof 52 By induction on the number of vertices of a graph :
If is equal to 1 or 2 PropositionΒ 52 holds.
Assume that .
Assume there exists a vertex such that, if we remove , we do not create
any isolated vertex in the remaining graph.
We have .
Thus .
Since by induction hypothesis
the result holds.
Otherwise, all the connected components of are reduced to two elements
with only one arc.
We remove one of such connected component .
Thus .
As by induction hypothesis,
the result holds.
Note that, when the equality is reached in 52,
the corresponding extreme graph is in fact a perfect matching of the graph.
As a consequence all -arcs that do not belong to any perfect
matching have to be turned into -arcs.
Proposition 53
Proposition 54
Proposition 55
Proof 55 Holds since each connected component contains at least one strongly connected component.
Note that, when the equality is reached in 55,
each connected component of the corresponding extreme graph is strongly connected.
As a consequence all sink vertices of the graph induced by the -vertices
and the -arcs should have at least one successor.
Proposition 56
Proposition 57
Proof 57 77 (respectivelyΒ 78)
holds since each connected component contains at least one (respectively two) vertex.
Note that, when the equality is reached in 77,
the corresponding extreme graph does not contain any arc between two distinct vertices.
As a consequence any -arc between two distinct vertices is
turned into a -vertex.
Proposition 58
Proof 58 Holds since between two βconsecutiveβ connected components of the initial graph
there is at least one vertex that is missing.
Proposition 59
Proof 59 Since each sink cannot belong to a circuit and
since no isolated vertex is allowed at least one extra non-sink vertex is required
the result follows.
Proposition 60
Proof 60 Since each source cannot belong to a circuit and
since no isolated vertex is allowed at least one extra non-source vertex is required
the result follows.
Proposition 61
Proposition 62
Proof 62 PropositionΒ 62 holds since each strongly connected
component contains at least one vertex.
Proposition 63
Proof 63 In a directed acyclic graph we have that each vertex corresponds to a
strongly connected component involving only that vertex.
Proposition 64
Proposition 65
Proof 65 Holds since each sink must have a predecessor that cannot be a sink
and since each vertex has at least one arc.
Proposition 66
Proposition 67
Proof 67 Holds since each source must have a successor that cannot be a source
and since each vertex has at least one arc.