about the catalog
The catalog presents a list of 423 global constraints issued from the literature in constraint programming and from popular constraint systems. The semantic of each constraint is given together with some typical usage and filtering algorithms, and with reformulations in terms of graph properties, automata, and/or logical formulae. When available, it also presents some typical usage as well as some pointers to existing filtering algorithms.
The pdf version of the catalog is periodically updated by Nicolas Beldiceanu and Mats Carlsson. Feel free to contact the first author for any questions about the content of the catalog.
about this website
This website provides the online version of the catalog. It is generated from the Prolog and LaTeX source files of the pdf document using, in particular, Tralics, a TeX-to-XML/MathML translator, and MathJax, a javascript library for rendering maths from MathML.
The online version is conceived to ease the search through the catalog and to make available its electronic counterpart. These are Prolog and XML files describing global constraints and combinatorial problems, which can be used in systematic ways.
See the pages below for a description of these two formats:
The table below sets side by side the constraints in the catalog with their analog in the systems Choco, Gecode, Jacop, and SICStus:
Note on browser compatibility
This website is based on XHTML+MathML+CSS and on the MathJax javascript library for rendering mathematics in any browser that does not support MathML natively, i.e. about any browser except Firefox.
- Firefox uses by default the native MathML (preferred) output but requires to download math fonts such as the STIX open fonts. As an alternative, you may also turn off the MathML output mode by right-clicking or ctl-clicking a formula and selecting Settings/Math Renderer/HTML-CSS in the contextual menu.
- Chrome, Safari use by default the HTML-CSS output mode of MathJax and web fonts. Consider to install the STIX General Fonts (v.1.1.0) locally on your computer in order to improve the page loading speed.
- Old browsers (and perhaps MSIE ?) are not supported as pages are served as application/xhtml+xml instead of text/html. Some browsers are also not compatible with MathJax. In this case, consider the current pdf versions of the catalog.
Corresponding author: Nicolas Beldiceanu nicolas.beldiceanu AT mines-nantes.fr
Online version: Sophie Demassey sophie.demassey AT mines-paristech.fr