three parameters/one final graph
Proposition 68
Proposition 69
Proposition 70
Proposition 71
Proof 71 On the one hand, if , we have that .
On the other hand, if , we have that
(i.e.,Β ).
The result is obtained by taking the maximum value of the right-hand sides of
the two inequalities.
Proposition 72
Proof 72 On the one hand, if , we have that .
On the other hand, if , we have that
(i.e.,Β ).
The result follows.
Proposition 73
Proof 73 On the one hand, if , we have that .
On the other hand, if , we have that .
Since the result follows.
Proposition 74
Proof 74 We make the proof for (the interval
is only used for restricting the number of intervals to check).
We have that .
A forbidden interval corresponds to an interval
between the end of interval and
the start of the next interval .
Since all intervals end before and
since all intervals start after ,
they do not use any value in .
Proposition 75
Proof 75 On the one hand, (97) holds since
the maximum number of arcs is achieved by taking connected components where
each connected component is a clique involving vertices.
On the other hand, (98) holds since
a tree of vertices has arcs.
Proposition 76
Proof 76 The minimum number of arcs is achieved by taking one connected component
with vertices and arcs as well as connected
components with a single vertex and a loop.
Proposition 77
Proof 77 If we get which holds since the set of vertices is empty.
We now assume that .
We first begin with the following claim:
let be a graph such that ,
then there exists a graph such that
, ,
and .
Proof of the claim
Let be the connected components of on less than vertices and such
that .
By hypothesis there exists such that and
Either , and then
with such that restricted to the be a complete graph and
restricted to being exactly restricted to
we obtain the claim.
Or .
Then such that
(notice that ).
Then with such that restricted to is a complete graph and
restricted to is exactly restricted to
we obtain the claim.
End of proof of the claim
We prove by induction on
, where
is any graph.
For the result holds (see Prop 44).
Otherwise, since we have that ,
by the previous claim
there exists with the same number of vertices and the same number of vertices in the largest connected
component, such that .
Consequently the result holds by induction.
Proposition 78
Proof 78 Let be a graph, let be a maximal size connected component of ,
then we have .
On the one hand, as is connected,
by setting inΒ 143 of PropositionΒ 99,
we have ,
on the other hand, by PropositionΒ 52,
Thus the result follows.
Proposition 79
Proof 79 Since a connected component contains at most vertices
and since it does not contain any isolated vertex
a connected component involves at most sinks.
Thus the result follows.
Proposition 80
Proof 80 Similar to PropositionΒ 79.
Proposition 81
Proof 81 The number of vertices is less than or equal to the number of connected components
multiplied by the largest number of vertices in a connected component.
Proposition 82
Proposition 83
Proposition 84
Proposition 85
Proposition 86
Proof 86 Similar to PropositionΒ 74.
Proposition 87
Proof 87 The largest number of vertices is obtained by putting within each connected component
the number of vertices of the largest strongly connected component.
Proposition 88
Proof 88 Since each strongly connected component contains at most vertices
the total number of vertices is less than or equal to .
Proposition 89
Proof 89 (114)
The minimum number of vertices according to a fixed number of strongly connected components
such that one of them contains vertices is equal to .
Proposition 90
Proof 90 (116)
The maximum number of vertices according to a fixed number of vertices
and to the fact that there is a connected component with vertices is obtained by:
Building a connected component with vertices and creating an arc between each
pair of vertices.
Building a connected component with all the remaining vertices and
creating an arc between each pair of vertices.
Proposition 91
Proof 91 Achieving the minimum number of arcs with a fixed number of vertices and with a minimum
number of vertices greater than or equal to one in each connected component is achieved
in the following way:
Since the minimum number of arcs of a connected component of vertices is ,
splitting a connected component into parts that all have more than one vertex
saves arcs.
Therefore we build a maximum number of connected components.
Since each connected component has at least vertices we get
connected components.
Since we cannot build a connected component with the rest of the vertices
(i.e.,Β vertices left) we have to incorporate them
in the previous connected components and this costs one arc for each vertex.
When , note that PropositionΒ 52 provides
a lower bound on the number of arcs.
Proposition 92
Proof 92 The smallest number of vertices is obtained by taking all connected components to
their minimum number of vertices .
Proposition 93
Proof 93 If all vertices do not fit within the smallest connected component
then we have at least two connected components.
Proposition 94
Proof 94 Achieving the maximum number of arcs, provided that we have at least one
strongly connected component with vertices, is done by:
Building a first strongly connected component with vertices
and adding an arc between each pair of vertices of .
Building a second strongly connected component with vertices
and adding an arc between each pair of vertices of .
Finally, we add an arc from every vertex of to every vertex of .
This leads to a total number of arcs of
Proposition 95
Proof 95 The smallest number of vertices is obtained by putting within each connected component
the number of vertices of the smallest strongly connected component.
Proposition 96
Proof 96 Since each strongly connected component contains at least vertices
the total number of vertices is greater than or equal to .
Proposition 97
Proof 97 If all vertices do not fit within the smallest strongly connected component
then we have at least two strongly connected components.
Proposition 98
Proof 98 (133)
We proceed by induction on , where is
any connected component of of maximum cardinality.
For then either and thus the formula is clearly true,
or all the connected components of , but possibly , are reduced to one
element. Since isolated vertices are not allowed, the formula holds.
Assume that . Then there exists , a connected component of distinct from ,
with more than one vertex.
Let and let be the graph such that and is defined by:
For all connected components of distinct from and we have .
With and , we have and
Clearly and since is of maximal cardinality
the difference is strictly positive. Now as ,
and as the result holds by induction hypothesis.
Proposition 99
Proof 99 (143)
By induction of the number of vertices.
The formula holds for one vertex.
Let a graph with vertices .
First assume there exists in such that has the same number of
connected components than .
Since , and by induction hypothesis
the result holds.
Otherwise all connected components of are reduced to one vertex and the formula holds.
Proposition 100
Proof 100 For provingΒ 145, it is easier to rewrite the formula as
We proceed by induction on , where is
any strongly connected component of of maximum cardinality.
For then either and thus the formula is clearly true,
or all the strongly connected components of , but possibly , are reduced to one
element. Since the maximum number of arcs in a directed acyclic graph of vertices is
, and as the subgraph of induced by all the strongly connected
components of excepted is acyclic, the formula clearly holds.
Assume that , let be the family of strongly connected
components of , and let be the reduced graph of induced by
(that is and ,
if and only if , such that
Consider such that and is defined by:
For all strongly connected components of we have .
For be any topological sort of , ,
, whenever is less than
with respect to .
Notice that satisfies the following properties:
, , , ,
is still the family of strongly connected components of ,
and moreover, for every and every we have that is connected
to any vertex outside , that is the number of arcs incident to and incident
to vertices outside is exactly .
Now, as , there exists , a strongly connected component of distinct from ,
with more than one vertex.
Let and let be the graph such that and is defined by:
With , we have and
Assume that for . Then ,
whenever is less than with respect to and
whenever is less than with respect to .
and since is of maximal cardinality the difference is strictly positive.
As , is also strictly positive.
Now as ,
and as the result holds
by induction hypothesis.
Proposition 101
Proof 101 For proving partΒ 147 of PropositionΒ 101 we
proceed by induction on .
If then,
we have
(i.e., for one vertex this is true since every vertex has at least one arc,
otherwise every vertex has an arc arriving on as well as an arc starting from ,
thus we have ).
If let be a strongly connected component of .
Then .
By induction hypothesis ,
thus .
Since we obtain
, and thus the result holds.
Proposition 102
Proof 102 As shown
inΒ [BessiereHebrardHnichKiziltanWalsh05],
a lower bound for the minimum number of
equivalence classes (e.g.,Β strongly connected components) is the independence number of the graph
and the right-hand side of PropositionΒ 102 corresponds to a lower
bound of the independence number proposed by TurΓ‘nΒ [Turan41].
Proposition 103
Proposition 104
Proof 104 The maximum number of arcs is achieved by the following pattern:
for all non-sink vertices we have an arc to all vertices.
Proposition 105
Proof 105 Recall that for , we have that .
If is a sink then , consequently .
If is not a sink then , consequently .
Proposition 106
Proof 106 The maximum number of arcs is achieved by the following pattern:
for all non-source vertices we have an arc from all vertices.
Proposition 107
Proof 107 Similar to PropositionΒ 105.
Proposition 108
Proof 108 Since sinks and sources cannot belong to a circuit
and since they cannot coincide (i.e., because isolated vertices are not allowed)
the result follows.
Proposition 109
Proof 109 No vertex can be both a source and a sink (isolated vertices are removed).