four parameters/two final graphs
, , ,
Proposition 145
Proof 143 The quantity
corresponds to the minimum number of variables needed for building two non-empty
connected components of respective size and .
If this quantity is greater than the total number of variables we have that .
Proposition 146
Proof 144 The quantity
corresponds to the minimum number of variables needed for building two non-empty connected components
of respective size and .
If this quantity is greater than the total number of variables we have that .
, , ,
Proposition 147
Proof 145 Similar to PropositionΒ 145.
Proposition 148
Proof 146 Similar to PropositionΒ 146.
, , ,
Proposition 149
Proof 147 First, note that, when , we have that
Second, note that, when , we have that
Since has to have at least one value the result follows.
, , ,
Proposition 150
Proof 148 Similar to PropositionΒ 149.