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preface, sec2.4.1, sec4.1, N. Beldiceanu, Global Constraints as Graph Properties on a Structured Network of Elementary Constraints of the Same Type Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2000) LNCS 1894 Springer-Verlag R. Dechter, 52–66 2000 Preprint available as SICS Tech Report T2000-01
sec2.4.1, Catmost_nvalue, Cdisjoint, Cmax_n, Cmax_n, Cmaximum, Cmin_n, Cmin_n, Cminimum, Cnclass, Cnequivalence, Cninterval, Cnvalue, N. Beldiceanu, Pruning for the minimum Constraint Family and for the number of distinct values Constraint Family Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2001) LNCS 2239 Springer-Verlag T. Walsh, 211–224 2001 Preprint available as SICS Tech Report T2000-10
Cint_value_precede_chain, N. Beldiceanu, Deriving Filtering Algorithms from Constraints Checkers Slides presented at the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2004) Conference September 2004
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Ksmallest_rectangle_area, N. Beldiceanu, É. Bourreau, P. Chan, D. Rivreau, Partial Search Strategy in CHIP 2nd international conference on metaheuristics - MIC97 INRIA & PRiSM-Versailles 1–8 July 1997
Camong_seq, Cchange, Cchange_partition, Crelaxed_sliding_sum, Csliding_sum, Csmooth, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, Revisiting the cardinality Operator and Introducing the cardinality-path Constraint Family Int. Conf. on Logic Programming (ICLP'2001) LNCS 2237 Springer-Verlag P. Codognet, 59–73 2001 Preprint available as SICS Tech Report T2000-11A
Ksweep, Cdiffn, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, Sweep as a Generic Pruning Technique Applied to the Non-Overlapping Rectangles Constraints Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2001) LNCS 2239 Springer-Verlag T. Walsh, 377–391 2001 Preprint available as SICS Tech Report T2001-13
Ccumulatives, Ccumulatives, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, A New Multi-Resource cumulatives Constraint with Negative Heights Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2002) LNCS 2470 Springer-Verlag P. Van Hentenryck, 63–79 2002 Preprint available as SICS Tech Report T2001-11
Clex_greater, Clex_greatereq, Clex_less, Clex_lesseq, M. Carlsson, N. Beldiceanu, Revisiting the Lexicographic Ordering Constraint Technical report T2002-17 Swedish Institute of Computer Science 2002
Clex_between, Clex_between, Clex_chain_greater, Clex_chain_greatereq, Clex_chain_less, Clex_chain_less, Clex_chain_lesseq, Clex_chain_lesseq, M. Carlsson, N. Beldiceanu, Arc-Consistency for a Chain of Lexicographic Ordering Constraints Technical report T2002-18 Swedish Institute of Computer Science 2002
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Kcumulative_longest_hole_problems, sec3.7.120.1, Ksquared_squares, Ccumulative, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, E. Poder, New Filtering for the cumulative Constraint in the Context of Non-Overlapping Rectangles International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR'08) LNCS 5015 Springer-Verlag L. Perron, M. A. Trick, 21–35 Paris, France May 2008
Kpentomino, Ksquared_squares, Ksweep, Cgeost, Cgeost_time, Clex_alldifferent, Cnon_overlap_sboxes, N. Beldiceanu, M. Carlsson, E. Poder, R. Sadek, C. Truchet, A Generic Geometrical Constraint Kernel in Space and Time for Handling Polymorphic k-Dimensional Objects Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2007) LNCS 4741 Springer-Verlag C. Bessière, 180–194 2007
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Ctree, Ctree, N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, X. Lorca, The tree Constraint International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CP-AI-OR'05) LNCS 3524 Springer-Verlag R. Barták, M. Milano, 64–78 Prague, Czech Republic May 2005
Cstable_compatibility, N. Beldiceanu, P. Flener, X. Lorca, Combining tree partitioning, precedence, incomparability, and degree constraints, with an application to phylogenetic and ordered-path problems Technical report Technical Report 2006-020 Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden 2006 Available at
Kcompulsory_part, Kcompulsory_part, Cdiffn, Cdiffn, N. Beldiceanu, Q. Guo, S. Thiel, Non-overlapping Constraints between Convex Polytopes Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2001) LNCS 2239 Springer-Verlag T. Walsh, 392–407 2001 Preprint available as SICS Tech Report T2001-12
Cincreasing_nvalue, N. Beldiceanu, F. Hermenier, X. Lorca, T. Petit, The increasing_nvalue Constraint International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR'10) LNCS 6140 Springer-Verlag A. Lodi, M. Milano, P. Toth, 25–39 Bologna, Italy 2010
Cproper_forest, Cproper_forest, N. Beldiceanu, I. Katriel, X. Lorca, Undirected Forest Constraints International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR'06) LNCS 3990 Springer-Verlag J. C. Beck, B. Smith, 29–43 Cork, Ireland May/June 2006
Csame, Csame_and_global_cardinality_low_up, Cused_by, Cused_by, N. Beldiceanu, I. Katriel, S. Thiel, Filtering Algorithms for the Same and UsedBy Constraints Technical report 2004/1/001 MPI 2004
sec2, Csame, Csame, Csame_and_global_cardinality_low_up, N. Beldiceanu, I. Katriel, S. Thiel, Filtering Algorithms for the Same Constraint Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems (CP-AI-OR'04) LNCS 3011 Springer-Verlag J.-C. Régin, M. Rueher, 65–79 2004
Csame, Cused_by, N. Beldiceanu, I. Katriel, S. Thiel, Filtering Algorithms for the Same and UsedBy Constraints Archives of Control Sciences, Special Issue on constraint programming for decision and control 2005 To appear
Csame_and_global_cardinality, Csame_and_global_cardinality_low_up, N. Beldiceanu, I. Katriel, S. Thiel, GCC-like Restrictions on the Same Constraint Recent Advances in Constraints, Joint ERCIM/CoLogNet International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Constraint Logic Programming, CSCLP 2004; Lausanne, Switzerland, June 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected and Invited Papers LNCS 3419 Springer-Verlag B. Faltings, A. Petcu, F. Fages, F. Rossi, 1–11 2005
sec2, N. Beldiceanu, T. Petit, Cost Evaluation of Soft Global Constraints Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems LNCS 3011 Springer-Verlag J.-C. Régin, M. Rueher, 80–95 2004
Cconnect_points, N. Beldiceanu, T. Petit, G. Rochart, Bounds of parameters for global constraints RAIRO Operations Research 4 40 2006 327–353
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preface, preface, sec2.1.7, N. Beldiceanu, H. Simonis, A Constraint Seeker: Finding and Ranking Global Constraints from Examples Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2011) LNCS 6876 Springer-Verlag J. H. Lee, 12–25 Perugia, Italy 2011
preface, preface, N. Beldiceanu, H. Simonis, A Model Seeker: Extracting Global Constraint Models from Positive Examples Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'2012) LNCS 7514 Springer-Verlag M. Milano, 141–157 Quebec City, Canada 2012
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