three parameters/two final graphs
, ,
Proposition 135
Proof 133 The quantity
corresponds to the minimum number of variables needed for building two non-empty connected components
of respective size and such that is strictly greater than .
If this quantity is greater than the total number of variables we have that .
Proposition 136
Proof 134 The quantity
corresponds to the minimum number of variables needed for building two non-empty connected components
of respective size and such that is strictly greater than .
If this quantity is greater than the total number of variables we have that .
Proposition 137
Proof 135 A value is not a possible number of vertices for the smallest connected component of type 2
if the following two conditions hold:
does not allow to cover all the vertices of the initial graph: we need at least
one extra connected component of type 1 or 2.
If we add an additional connected component of type 1 or 2 we exceed the number of vertices
of the initial graph.
, ,
Proposition 138
Proof 136 Similar to PropositionΒ 135.
Proposition 139
Proof 137 Similar to PropositionΒ 136.
Proposition 140
Proof 138 Similar to PropositionΒ 137.
, ,
Proposition 141
Proof 139 If the number of vertices of the first graph is even then the number of vertices of
the second graph has the same parity as the number of vertices of the initial graph
(since a vertex of the initial graph belongs either to the first graph, either to the
second graph (but not to both).
, ,
Proposition 142
Proof 140 Similar to PropositionΒ 141.
, ,
Proposition 143
Proof 141 When there is no more room for an extra connected
component for the first final graph.
, ,
Proposition 144
Proof 142 Similar to PropositionΒ 143.