sophie demassey

PhD in computer science
associate professor HDR

CMA - Mines Paris - PSL
rue Claude Daunesse CS 10 207
06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex
call +33 (0)4 97 15 70 84

sophie.demassey alternate_email


The paper does not elaborate on the organization of the computing process, although the authors feel that this was one of the most challenging aspects of the project.

—Gagnon et al., Mathematical Programming 6 (1974) 28-41

combinatorial optimization for environment and climate

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water_drop lately on water network optimization and discrete-monotropic bilevel programming:
noteSophie Demassey, Valentina Sessa, Amirhossein Tavakoli Alternating direction method and deep learning for discrete control with storage, Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14594:85-96. [slides at ISCO, also about deep learning and adm at Roadef 2024.]
slideshowSophie Demassey Combinatorial Optimization for Water Management, Prospective Modeling and Climate Change: Energy & Water issues. ETSAP & TTI.5 Autumn School 2023.
slideshowSophie Demassey Monotropic bilevel programming: duality in hydraulic network optimization, GdR ROD, OR working group day 20/10/2023.
slideshowSophie Demassey Strong duality reformulation for bilevel optimization over nonlinear flow networks, GdR RO, PMNL working group day 23/06/2023.
noteAmirhossein Tavakoli, Valentina Sessa, Sophie Demassey Strengthening mathematical models for pump scheduling in water distribution, ICAE 2022.
noteGratien Bonvin, Sophie Demassey, Andrea Lodi Pump scheduling in drinking water distribution networks with an LP/NLP-based branch and bound, Optimization and Engineering (2021) 22: 1275-1313
bolt lately on nonsmooth nonconvex optimization and joint chance-constrained OPF:
noteKsenia Syrtseva, Welington de Oliveira, Sophie Demassey, Wim van Ackooij Minimizing the difference of convex and weakly convex functions via bundle method, Pacific Journal of Optimization (2024)
noteKsenia Syrtseva, Welington de Oliveira, Sophie Demassey, Hugo Morais, Paul Javal, Bhargav Swaminathan Difference-of-Convex Approach to Chance-Constrained OPF modelling the DSO Power Modulation Lever for Distribution Networks, Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (2023)
solar_power lately on LP decomposition for expansion planning of energy systems:


Mines Paris - PSL: mastère Spécialisé OSE Optimisation des Systèmes Énergétiques, PSL week, Eng School
Université Côte d'Azur: master Hydroprotech et ingénieur MAM Mathématiques appliquées et modélisation
  • Optimization for Water Management: slides 1, 2, test
  • Optimization for transition: content
  • Decision with data and optimization: slides
loginpreviously (in french)



associate professor - CMA, Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, Mines ParisTech
water network optimization: decomposition, bilevel and duality-based methods for nonconvex MINLP on nonlinear flow networks, application to pump scheduling; power distribution network: Difference-of-Convex model and algorithms for the chance constrained OPF, adding discrete decisions with MINLP decomposition, robust operation and design of hybrid microgrids; Expansion capacity planning for prospective analysis of energy systems: LP decomposition and handling discrete decisions in very large models; BtrPlace: CP model with environmental and performance objectives in datacenter resource managment; CP/MILP for the Container Relocation Problem
collaborations: Wim Van Ackooij (EDF), Edi Assoumou (CMA), Gratien Bonvin (CMA), Welington de Oliveira (CMA), Dominique Feillet (CMP), Fabien Hermenier (Nutanix), Paul Javal (CMA/EDF), Vincent Kherbache (Inria), Claude Le Pape (Schneider Electric), Andrea Lodi (Cornell Tech), Nadia Maïzi (CMA), Vincent Mazauric (Schneider Electric), Hugo Morais (EDF), Arnold N'Goran (CMA/Bertin Technologies), Alfredo Samperio (Schneider Electric), Valentina Sessa (CMA), Gildas Siggini (CMA), Bhargav Swaminathan (EDF), Ksenia Syrtseva (CMA/EDF), Amirhossein Tavakoli (CMA/3IA)


associate professor - TASC group, INRIA Rennes, LINA CNRS UMR 6241, Mines Nantes
multicost-regular: automata on a tropical semiring, duality-based filtering, systematic constraint aggregation, soft constraint and preferences, timetabling and nurse scheduling, LNS in Choco; BtrPlace: flexible resource management in datacenters, dynamic scheduling and packing constraints, flexible model composition; systematic reformulation (graphs, automata) of global constraints, global constraint catalog; constraint aggregation in column generation for railway capacity; global constraints and algorithms for packing problems in logistics, and disjunction in robot localization.
collaborations: Christian Artigues (LAAS), Nicolas Beldiceanu (TASC), Mats Carlsson (SICS), Gilles Chabert (TASC), Xavier Gandibleux (LINA), Fabien Hermenier (I3S), Narendra Jussien (TASC), Xavier Libeaut (IMA), Xavier Lorca (TASC), Arnaud Malapert (I3S), Julien Menana (TASC), Jorge E. Mendoza (IMA), Aurélien Merel (TASC), Emmanuel Néron (LI), Thierry Petit (TASC), Éric Pinson (IMA), Emmanuel Poder (TASC), Jean-Charles Régin (I3S)


assistant professor - Constraints group, LINA CNRS UMR 6241, Mines Nantes
systematic reformulation (graphs, automata) of global constraints
collaborations: Nicolas Beldiceanu (TASC), Thierry Petit (TASC), Mats Carlsson (SICS)


post-doc - Quosseca group, Polytechnique Montréal - Omega Optimisation Inc., Montréal
cost-regular: optimization and automata global constraint, CP-based column generation for timetabling
collaborations: Louis-Martin Rousseau, Gilles Pesant


research and teaching assistant (ATER) - OR and Optimisation group, LIA, Université d'Avignon
CP-based lagrangian relaxation and cut generation for the RCPSP
collaborations: Christian Artigues, Philippe Michelon, Thierry Garray, Philippe Baptiste (LIX, CNRS)


PhD in Computer Science / Combinatorial Optimization - LIA, Université d'Avignon
Hybrids of Integer Linear Programming and Constraint Programming for the RCPSP
supervisors: Christian Artigues, Philippe Michelon


MSc in Computer Science / Combinatorial Optimization - Université d'Aix-Marseille II
Dual bounds for the RCPSP, supervisors: Christian Artigues, Philippe Michelon (LIA, Avignon)


MSc in Pure Mathematics / Commutative Algebra - Université d'Aix-Marseille I
Elasticity in Dedekind rings, supervisor: Paul-Jean Cahen (LATP, Marseille)


PhD students
MS students
  • Tarek Fakoudi MS OSE 2019 Pump scheduling in drinking water distribution networks
  • Dimitra Ignatiadis MS OSE 2017 Robust investment planning model for microgrids
  • Aurélien Havel MS OSE 2016 Robust design of connected microgrids with network services
  • Yvann Nzengue MS OSE 2015 Integration of reliability indicators in ETSAP/TIMES models of electricity systems
  • Rachid Kalèche MS ORO 2008 Cutting-planes and global constraints for the TSP


  • PGMO (2023-) scientific committee
  • TTI.5 Institute (2022-2023) organization of the monthly seminars
  • CMA research group (2014-2023) organization of the monthly seminars
  • ACP (2019-2022) EC member of the International Association for Constraint Programming
  • ROADEF (2016-2018) vice-president of the French Association of OR
  • LigéRO (2009-2012) member of the Groupement Ligérien de RO, Nantes-Angers
  • GIPAD (2006-2011) head of the MSc on Computer Science for Decision Making, Mines Nantes
  • Jeudis de l'Optimisation (2007-2009) organization of industrial seminars, Mines Nantes
  • Contraintes et RO (2004-2009) animation of the working group affiliated to GdR RO and ALP
PC chair
  • CP'22 Operations Research Track 28th International Conference on Constraint Programming
  • Young Researcher Award at ROADEF'16, ROADEF'17, ROADEF'18
  • MLSCP'05 International Workshop on Local Search with Constraint Programming, Nantes
PC member
  • CPAIOR'25 22nd International Conference on Integration of CP, AI, and OR, Melbourne: 10-13 november 2025
  • CP'25 31st International Conference on Constraint Programming, Glasgow: 11-15 august 2025
  • CP'24 30th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Girona
  • JFPC'24 Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Lens
  • CP'22 28th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Haifa
  • JFPC'22 17èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Saint-Étienne
  • CP'21 27th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Montpellier
  • JFPC'21 16èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Nice
  • CP'20 26th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Louvain-la-Neuve
  • IJCAI'20 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Yokohama
  • CPAIOR'20 17th International Conference on Integration of CP, AI, and OR, Vienna
  • ROADEF'20 21ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Montpellier
  • IJCAI'19 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Macao
  • CP'19 25th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Stamford
  • ROADEF'19 20ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Le Havre
  • CP'18 Technical/CP&OR track 24th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Lille
  • JFPC'18 14èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Amiens
  • ROADEF'18 19ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Lorient
  • CP'17 (senior PC) 23rd International Conference on Constraint Programming, Melbourne
  • ROADEF'17 18ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Metz
  • IJCAI'16 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York City
  • JFPC'16 12èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Montpellier
  • ROADEF'16 17ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Compiègne
  • MELO'16 2nd Wsp on Model-Driven Engineering, Logic, Optimization - STAF'16, Vienna
  • CP'15 Technical Track 21th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Cork
  • JFPC'15 11èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Bordeaux
  • ROADEF'15 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Marseille
  • CP'14 Doctoral Program 20th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Lyon
  • CP'13 Application Track 19th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Stockholm
  • CP'12 Application Track 18th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Québec
  • CPAIOR'12 9th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR in CP, Nantes
  • ICAPS'12 22nd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Sao Paulo
  • ROADEF'12 13ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Angers
  • CPAIOR'11 8th International Conference on Integration of AI and OR in CP, Berlin
  • CP'11 Doctoral Program 17th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Perugia
  • MELO'11 1st Wsp on Model-Driven Engineering, Logic, Optimization - ECMFA'11, Birmingham
  • JFPC'09 5èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Orléans
  • JDIR'09 doctorales informatique et réseaux, Belfort
  • JFPC'08 4èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Nantes
  • JFPC'07 3èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Rocquencourt

Mathematical Programming, Discrete Optimization, Informs Journal on Computing, Optimization and Engineering, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Scheduling, Journal of Heuristics, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers and Operations Research, Constraints, 4OR, Rairo-OR; Applied Energy, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks; ANR-Cosinus

conference organization member
  • JFPC'08, 4èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Nantes
  • CP'06, 12th International Conference on Constraint Programming, Nantes
  • MLSCP'05, International Workshop on Local Search with Constraint Programming, Nantes
  • ROADEF'03, 6ème Congrès de la Société Française de RO et AD, Avignon

last update: january 2025
