3.3.1. How to see if a global constraint is in the catalogue?
Searching a given global constraint through the catalogue can be achieved in the following ways:
If you have an idea of the name of the global constraint you are looking for, then put all its letters in lower case, separate distinct words by an underscore and search the resulting name in the list of global constraints. Within the pdf document, the entry of the catalogue where the constraint is defined is shown in bold. Common abbreviations, synonyms and usual names found in articles have also been put in the index in bold and italic.
If you do not know the name of the global constraint you are looking for, but you know the types of its arguments then Section 3.5 lists the different argument patterns and the corresponding global constraints.
You can also search a global constraint through the list of keywords that is attached to each global constraint. All available keywords are listed alphabetically in Section 3.7 on page 3.7. For each keyword we give the list of global constraints using the corresponding keyword as well as the definition of the keyword.
In order to make it possible to search for all keywords related to a specific area, we have also attached to each keyword one, or exceptionally two, meta-keywords. For instance, if you are searching for global constraints that are mentioning puzzles, you first look to the meta-keyword Puzzles where you find the keywords corresponding to puzzles (i.e., Autoref, Conway packing problem, ..., Sudoku, Zebra puzzle). Then as previously described, for each keyword you can access to the corresponding global constraints. All available meta-keywords are listed alphabetically in Section 3.6 on page 3.6. For each meta-keyword it first gives the list of keywords using the corresponding meta-keyword and then defines the meta-keyword.