3.7. Keywords attached to the global constraints
This section explains the meaning of the keywords attached to the global constraints of the catalogue. For each keyword it first gives the list of global constraints using the corresponding keyword and then defines the keyword. At present the following keywords are in use.
- Abstract interpretation
- Acyclic
- Aggregate
- Air traffic management
- Alignment
- All different
- Alpha-acyclic constraint network(2)
- Alpha-acyclic constraint network(3)
- Apartition
- Arc-consistency
- Arithmetic constraint
- Array constraint
- Assigning and scheduling tasks that run in parallel
- Assignment
- Assignment dimension
- Assignment to the same set of values
- At least
- At most
- Automaton
- Automaton with array of counters
- Automaton with counters
- Automaton with same input symbol
- Automaton without counters
- Autoref
- Centered cyclic(1) constraint network(1)
- Centered cyclic(2) constraint network(1)
- Centered cyclic(3) constraint network(1)
- Channel routing
- Channelling constraint
- Circuit
- Circular sliding cyclic(1) constraint network(2)
- Cluster
- Coloured
- Compulsory part
- Conditional constraint
- Configuration problem
- Connected component
- Consecutive loops are connected
- Consecutive values
- Constraint between two collections of variables
- Constraint between three collections of variables
- Constraint involving set variables
- Constraint on the intersection
- Constructive disjunction
- Contact
- Contractible
- Convex
- Convex bipartite graph
- Convex hull relaxation
- Conway packing problem
- Core
- Costas arrays
- Cost filtering constraint
- Cost matrix
- Counting constraint
- Cumulative longest hole problems
- Cycle
- Cyclic
- Data constraint
- Deadlock breaking
- Decomposition
- Decomposition-based violation measure
- Demand profile
- Degree of diversity of a set of solutions
- Derived collection
- DFS-bottleneck
- Difference
- Difference between pairs of variables
- Directed acyclic graph
- Disequality
- Disjunction
- Domain channel
- Domain definition
- Dominating queens
- Domination
- Dual model
- Duplicated variables
- Dynamic programming
- Magic hexagon
- Magic series
- Magic square
- Matching
- Matrix
- Matrix model
- Matrix symmetry
- Maximum
- Maximum clique
- Maximum number of occurrences
- Metro
- Minimum
- Minimum cost flow
- Minimum feedback vertex set
- Minimum hitting set cardinality
- Minimum number of occurrences
- Modulo
- Multi-site employee scheduling with calendar constraints
- Multiset
- Multiset ordering
- Pair
- Packing almost squares
- Pallet loading
- Partition
- Path
- Partridge
- Pattern sequencing
- Pentomino
- Periodic
- Permutation
- Permutation channel
- Phi-tree
- Phylogeny
- Pick-up delivery
- Planarity test
- Polygon
- Positioning constraint
- Predefined constraint
- Preferences
- Producer-consumer
- Product
- Program verification
- Proximity constraint
- Pure functional dependency
- Scalar product
- Sequence
- Sequence dependent set-up
- Sequencing with release times and deadlines
- Set channel
- Set packing
- Shikaku
- Scheduling constraint
- Scheduling with machine choice, calendars and preemption
- Shared table
- Schur number
- SLAM problem
- Sliding cyclic(1) constraint network(1)
- Sliding cyclic(1) constraint network(2)
- Sliding cyclic(1) constraint network(3)
- Sliding cyclic(2) constraint network(2)
- Sliding sequence constraint
- Smallest square for packing consecutive dominoes
- Smallest rectangle area
- Smallest square for packing rectangles with distinct sizes
- Soft constraint
- Sort
- Sort based reformulation
- Sparse functional dependency
- Sparse table
- Sport timetabling
- Squared squares
- Statistics
- Strip packing
- Strong articulation point
- Strong bridge
- Strongly connected component
- Subset sum
- Sudoku
- Sum
- Sweep
- Symmetric
- Symmetry
- System of constraints