3.4. Figures of the catalogue
The catalogue contains the following types of figures:
Figures that give the normalised signature tree of the arguments of a global constraint These figures are located in Section 3.5.
Figures that provide the implication graph between global constraints that have the same normalised signature tree for their arguments (e.g., see the figure embedded in the lower part of Table 3.5.1).
Figures that illustrate a global constraint or a keyword (e.g., see Figure 3.7.37 that illustrates the keyword limited discrepancy search).
Figures that depict the initial as well as the final graphs associated with a global constraint (e.g., see Figure 5.61.2 that provides the initial and final graphs of the constraint).
Figures that provide an automaton that only recognises the solutions associated with a given global constraint (e.g., see Figure 5.168.3 that gives the automaton of the constraint).
Figures that give the hypergraph associated with the decomposition of an automaton in terms of signature and transition constraints (e.g., see Figure 5.168.4 that gives the hypergraph of the automaton-based reformulation of the constraint).
Figures for the graph structure of the XML schema of the parameters of a global constraint. They are only available in the on-line version of the catalogue.
Figures for visualising different views (i.e., compulsory part and cumulative profile) of two-dimensional placement of constraints. These figures are only available in the on-line version of the catalogue. They are accessible from the table containing the squared squares problem instances.
Most of the graph figures that depict the initial and final graph of a global constraint of this catalogue as well as the graph structure of the XML schema of the parameters of a global constraint were automatically generated by using the open source graph drawing software Graphviz [GansnerNorth00] available from AT&T.http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz Since late 2012 TikZ [Tantau12] is used for generating all new figures and for converting the old Xfig, PSTricks [Voss07] and Graphviz figures so that all figures are done with TikZ.